Market size and future development trend of China's foreign trade industry


The market size and future development trend of China's foreign trade industry is an important research topic, which is of great significance for the development of China's economy.

According to the China Foreign Trade Industry Development Dynamics and Market Outlook Planning Report 2023-2029 published by, the total scale of China's foreign trade reached USD 3.3 trillion in 2018, with exports reaching USD 2.53 trillion and imports reaching USD 7.76 trillion, with the total value of both exports and imports reaching a record high. This shows that the market size of China's foreign trade industry has reached a considerable scale.

In the long run, the market size of China's foreign trade industry will maintain a steady growth. As China's reform and opening up continues, China's foreign trade will further expand and so will the market size. In addition, the Chinese government will continue to implement the policy of expanding imports and stabilizing exports, which will help promote the development of the foreign trade industry.

With the continuous development of China's foreign trade industry, the structure of China's export commodities is also undergoing profound changes. At present, the main products exported by China are still labor-intensive manufacturing products, but with the continuous development of China's economy, China's exported service trade is also increasing, which will become an important force to promote the development of China's foreign trade in the future.

In addition, the development of China's foreign trade industry is also influenced by the international environment. With the continuous advancement of global economic integration, trade activities among countries will also be active, and China's foreign trade will also benefit from this trend in the future, and the market scale will be further expanded.

In conclusion, the market size and future development trend of China's foreign trade industry will be influenced by various factors such as policies, international environment and China's economic development. As China's economic development continues to accelerate, the market size of China's foreign trade industry will further expand and more opportunities and challenges will emerge in the future.

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